When you donate to the Madison Area YMCA’s Annual Fund, you are donating through the Y and directly to members of our community. Donations help ensure that Y membership, programs, child care, and education are accessible to every member in our community, regardless of their ability to pay. They also help ensure that health and wellness programs stay viable, vibrant and strong. Please join us in helping advance our cause.
Recognizing the needs of our members and neighbors, and the challenges
and limitations of our child care and early education center, the Madison
Area YMCA has launched a community fundraising campaign to expand our
F.M. Kirby Children’s Center.
Our growing waitlists indicate the increasing need for quality early
childhood education in our community. This renovation project will allow us
to better optimize our existing footprint into more usable classroom space. Together, we can leave a legacy for future generations,
just as community members of the past made our
current facility possible. Please join us in supporting this
important community project.