Madison Chatham Coalition

Madison Chatham Coalition

Our mission is to prevent and reduce youth substance use through education, collaboration and community-wide change.

The Madison Chatham Coalition (MCC) is a community prevention organization funded by the Office of National Drug Control Policy and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Community members and partner organizations come together to address underage drinking and the illegal use of marijuana through the implementation of effective, evidence-based prevention initiatives.

Night of Conversation: A Prevention Podcast

Substance use and mental health can be challenging topics to discuss with teens. Night of Conversation is an initiative to support parents to raise healthy teens empowered to make good choices including avoiding the use of alcohol and drugs. In an effort to answer difficult questions and learn effective ways to open the lines of communication between parents and teens, we invite families to tune into “Night of Conversation: A Prevention Podcast.” 

Click here to listen to the podcast, including our professional panel of a physician, recovery specialist, school counselor and social worker.


Get Involved with MCC

MCC relies on the support of committed volunteers. Here are some ways to help:

  • Become a member by attending monthly meetings.
  • Subscribe to Prevention Matters, the MCC monthly newsletter: Click here.
  • Volunteer for community events where  we share prevention materials.

For more information about Madison Chatham Coalition, here or email

Visit MCC Online

The Madison Chatham Coalition is funded by the Office of National Drug Control Policy and is a collaborative partnership between Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America. The Madison Area YMCA is a community partner and the fiscal agent of the Madison Chatham Coalition.