The Madison Area YMCA is a 501(c)(3) cause-driven charitable organization dedicated to strengthening community through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. It is inclusive of all people and offers programs and services that develop a healthy mind, body and spirit.
Children, families and adults who reside/work within the Y’s service area can participate in Y membership, programs, child care and school-age programs, regardless of their abilities to pay. The Y makes sure that these services are available to everyone in the community, through the Financial and Member Assistance program. Funds also help initiate community wellness and health-enhancing programs such as LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA, Community Mental Health Initiative and our Delay the Disease Program.
In 2024 our Y provided $363,473 in Financial Assistance to 235 individuals.
Applicants must live or work within the Madison Area YMCA Service Area: Chatham, Convent Station, East Hanover, Florham Park, Green Village, Madison, Millington, New Vernon, Sterling.
Please complete our Financial Assistance Application and submit it along with the necessary documentation to the Member Service Desk at our YMCA. After you have provided all your documents and your application is considered complete, we anticipate being able to provide you with a decision within one week.
Estimada familias del Madison Area YMCA,
Los solicitandtes deben vivir o trabajar del área de servicio de la YMCA del área de Madison: Chatham, Convent Station, East Hanover, Florham Park, Green Village, Madison, Millington, New Vernon, Sterling.
Completa nuestra Solicitud de Asistencia Financiera y envíela junto con la documentación necesaria al Escritorio de Servicios para Miembros de nuestra YMCA. Una vez que haya proporcionado todos sus documentos y su solicitud se considere completa, anticipamos poder brindarle una decisión dentro de una semana.
Si usted necesita ayuda en español, informanós para asistirle mejor.