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For Immediate Release
The Madison Chatham Coalition Heard from Seven Law Enforcement Officials
Pictured are members and friends of the Madison Chatham Coalition at the November meeting. Student Resource Officer at Madison High School Thomas Downs; Student Resource Officer at Madison Junior School Vincent Galgano; Madison Police Juvenile Detective Adam Riley; Madison Police Narcotics Detective Kenneth Shannon; Student Resource Officer at Chatham Middle School Frank Wulff; Chatham Borough Police Community Services Officer Brian Colatrella and Chatham Borough Detective Daniel Walsh.
The Madison Chatham Coalition is funded by the Office of National Drug Control Policy and is a collaborative partnership between the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America. For more information about the coalition or to become a committee member, visit www.MadisonChathamCoalition.org or call 973-822-9622. The next meeting will be held on Tues., Dec. 11, at the Madison Area YMCA, 111 Kings Road in Madison.