Newsroom - 2020
Hidden in Plain Sight: Well-attended by Parents and Caregivers of Teens
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For Immediate Release
Hidden in Plain Sight: Well-attended by Parents and Caregivers of Teens
CAPTION (L-R) Pictured at Hidden in Plain Sight presentation: Chatham Township Police Detective David Gallo; Madison Chatham Coalition Coordinator Allison Bardon; DEA Special Agent Tim McMahon; Chatham High School Student Assistance Counselor Lisa Lattarulo; Chatham Middle School Student Assistance Counselor Alex Mandala; Chatham High School Student Assistance Counselor Christine Mahoney; Madison Police Detective Ken Shannon.
(Madison, NJ) January 24, 2020- More than 75 parents and caregivers of teens attended a free presentation and exhibit Hidden in Plain Sight, an interactive drug education program for parents and caregivers of teens, at Chatham High School last week. The program was sponsored by The Consortium of Berkeley Heights, Chatham, Millburn, New Providence and Summit School Districts.
A mock teenage bedroom displayed everyday items that can be indicators of
drug use or risky behavior. DEA Special Agent Tim McMahon and Madison Police Department Narcotics Detective Ken Shannon provided the latest drug trends and powerful insights on what to look for in a teenager’s space.
The presentation was offered in partnership with the Madison Chatham Coalition (MCC) and Municipal Alliance Committee of the Chathams (MACC).